Console Overdrive - Rose Electric Audio
Console Overdrive - Rose Electric Audio
CONSOLE OVERDRIVE is your most versatile boost/drive pedal. At its heart is the same secret sauce amplifier from the Console Fuzz series, giving you an extremely dynamic and harmonically rich overdrive, down to a glassy pristine clean pre amp. Your guitar just sounds worse with the pedal off.
GAIN ranges from pristine clean preamp to thick creamy overdrive
TONE sculpted to be sonically balanced and extremely harmonic with a variable low pass filter
VOLUME makes you very loud
VU METER lights up when engaged, wiggles more the louder you play
*All pedals are true-bypass, ensuring unaffected tone when off, and are made by my very human hands; small aesthetic variances are something that make each pedal unique and special.
Regular price
$279.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$279.00 USD
Unit price