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Rose Electric Audio

"Modified" Console Fuzz - Rose Electric Audio

"Modified" Console Fuzz - Rose Electric Audio

"Modified" Console Fuzz replaces your entire drive section of your pedal board.

The added circuits include "Overdrive", "Fuzz", and "Sag".

OD (Overdrive) - Starts at a transparent boost going all the way to thick smooth overdrive

FUZZ - This is the same Fuzz circuit from the standard Console Fuzz

SAG - Think of dying battery Fuzz, mis-biased / broken gated Fuzz


Console Fuzz (Standard) Description:

Balanced and extremely harmonic. Use your guitar’s volume to go from pristine clean to unlimited gain. 

GAIN ranges from tight biting distortion to thick square wave fuzz

TONE sculpted to be sonically balanced and extremely harmonic with a variable low pass filter

VOLUME makes you very loud 

VU METER lights up when engaged, wiggles more the louder you play



All pedals are true-bypass, ensuring unaffected tone when off, and are made by my very human hands, small aesthetic variances are something that make each pedal unique and special.

Regular price $319.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $319.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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