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Rose Electric Audio

Custom Guitar Amplifier Pre-Order

Custom Guitar Amplifier Pre-Order

$1000 is downpayment on your amplifier build! Please see details and for your price range.  

Build your own guitar amp! Classic amp circuits with modifications based on your ideas and playing style.

For instance, lets say we make an amp you've always wanted, we can make it as dead close to the original as humanly possible. OR we can ADD (almost...) ANYTHING to it. Add things like eq and volume controls, tube driven reverb, fx loops, entire tubes for extra stages of gain. Do you wonder what a pre amp from one amp, sounds like into the  power amp of different amp? Me too! 

Pre-order cost is the parts deposit for us to get started getting the parts we want to use. Please reach out to me so that we can discuss ideas and estimates etc. Most custom guitar amp builds range from $1200-3200.

Regular price $1,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,000.00 USD
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